The Trust Reposed

Well, it seems that things are going okay. This past Tuesday was a long meeting. There were multiple awards to hand out, all the initial business of the first meeting of the year, and so on. We didn’t get out until 9 PM, which is really something we need to try and avoid. Life would be a lot easier if we didn’t have the Chapter/Council meetings back-to-back.

Some of the proposals I made seemed to be met with a lot of skepticism – but quiet skepticism. I am remaining optimistic. One thing that I’m proud of is that with the exception of one part where I skipped a short section, I have got the ritualistic opening/closing down really well.

I’m excited to see what kind of change I can help affect here, and how I can help my Chapter & Council grow.

The Bible Lecture (J.N. Kirby)

This Bible Lecture was written by R∴W∴ Jerry Nelson Kirby, Past Grand Master of Masons in Texas, for the purpose of delivering to candidates after their Master Mason degree.

My brother, there comes a time in the life of every man, when it seems that no friend can be depended upon, and he is left entirely to his own resources. The lesson of tonight fitly illustrates such a condition. Upon reflection, you will doubtless remember that among the first things brought to your attention in your masonic career was this old book, and you were told that it alone was to be the rule and guide to your faith and practice. At each succeeding step in your advancement, you have been reminded that it would guide you to all truth, direct your path to the temple of happiness, and point out to you the whole duty of man.

And now, at this most auspicious hour, when surrounded by those who would take you by the hand as a brother, and in whose every heart you can have no doubt of a sincere wish for your future happiness, let me impress upon your mind in the most lasting and substantial manner possible:  that this old book contains the mind of god, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy; its precepts are binding; its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise; believe it to be safe; practice it to be holy. It will furnish light to guide you, strength to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the travelers map, the pilgrims staff, the pilots compass, the masons light, and the Christian’s charter. Through it, heaven is opened, paradise restored, and the gates of hell disclosed. The messiah is its grand subject. Our good its design, and the glory of god its end. Read it slowly; read it frequently; read it prayerfully. If you will obey its precepts, it will be to you a river of pleasure, a mine of wealth, and a paradise of glory.

It is furnished you in life to prepare you for the judgment, and as you choose, so shall your destiny be. In prosperity, or adversity, may you never forget it. Then, when death’s cold wind shall blow around your forehead, you can drop to sleep with the sweet assurance that, when the awakening comes, you will be pronounced a just and upright Mason by the Supreme Creator of the Universe, who has furnished you this means of salvation, and written your destiny between its lines.

It is given you in life, will be opened at the judgment, and remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, rewards the greatest labor, and condemns all who trifle with its holy contents. It is a book of laws, to show the right from wrong; a book of wisdom that makes the foolish wise; a book of truth, which shows how to avoid everlasting death.

It is the most authentic and entertaining history ever published, an unequaled narrative, a perfect body of divinity, a book of biography, a book of travels, the best will ever executed, the best deed ever written. It is the learned man’s masterpiece, the young man’s best companion, the school boy’s instructor, the ignorant man’s dictionary, and everybody’s directory.

My brother, if you will take this grand old book as the rule and guide for your faith and practice, enter at the portico of Genesis, and walk down the Old Testament`s art gallery, where hang upon the walls, the portraits of Moses, Joshua, Abraham, and Daniel. Then, step into the music room of Psalms. There, you will hear music of all kinds, ranging from the grand, impassioned strains of Isaiah, to the weeping Jeremiah. There, the Great Hand of the Holy Spirit sweeps the great keyboard of nature, until it seems that every reed and pipe of God’s great universe responds to the tuneful songs of David, that sweet singer of Israel. Then, step into the business office of Proverbs, and next into the chapel of Ecclesiastes, where the voice of the preacher was heard. Next is the conservatory of Sharon, where the lily of the valley’s sweet, scented spices will fill and perfume your life. Next you come to the observatory of the Prophets, where you find a room filled with many telescopes of different sizes and shapes, focused on far off events, but concentrated on the sunlit hills of Judea, where that bright morning star will rise for our eternal salvation. Then step into the anteroom of the King of Kings, and see a vision of his glory from the standpoint of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Next is the construction office of the Acts of the Apostles, where the work of the Holy Spirit is seen in the building of the infant church. Then you come to the writing room where Peter, James, and John wrote their Epistles to the churches. Finally you come to the throne room of Revelation, where high, and lifted up, upon his throne, is the King of Kings. The angel chorus thunders glory and power, honor and majesty  be to our mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace… and, if you are a Christian, your voice will cry out, “all hail the power of His Name, let angels prostrate fall. Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown him Lord of all”.

Isn’t it funny that princes and kings,  
and clowns that caper in sawdust rings,  
and ordinary people like you and me,  
are builders for eternity?  
We have each been given a bag of tools,  
a formless mass, and a book of rules;  
and each must make, ere life has flown,  
a stumbling block, or a stepping stone.  

My brother, this Holy Bible is a special gift of this Lodge, and it is signed by every brother present who wish for your adherence to the rules contained in this guidebook, for by obeying the excellent precepts contained within this sacred volume, you will be enabled to build stepping stones out of the stumbling blocks of life, as you travel the road that leads to success, happiness, harmony, joy, peace, and love, towards eternity in Paradise.

This I believe!

The Point of No Return

Tomorrow night is my first meeting as the presiding officer in my Chapter and Council. I’ve been working on the meeting agenda like a madman staring at the wall, looking for hidden messages. There may be such thing as over-preparing, but for now, I’m just gonna roll with it and let myself obsess over it.

I’m going to be proposing some practical stuff, and a bunch of idealistic stuff. It’s gonna be great. I really do hope that this is something that the Chapter and Council see as a positive thing. I also have some education lined up for Council, but I don’t know if we’ll have enough time. I hope we do.

I’m praying with gratitude for luck, wisdom, and guidance. I guess I’ll report back later with results?

Assuming the Role of Leadership

Pray for me, y’all.

It was my profound honor to be installed as the Most Excellent High Priest in my Royal Arch Chapter, and the Thrice Illustrious Master in my Cryptic Council.

For those not familiar with these terms, the Royal Arch Chapter and Cryptic Council are two separate bodies you can join within Masonry after becoming a Master Mason – the MEHP and TIM are, respectively, the “President” of each local body.

I’m very young for a presiding officer. Very, very young. Additionally, I haven’t been doing this very long – I’ve only been a Mason for almost two years, and I’ve been a York Rite mason for not quite a year and a half. This is truly a trial by fire – not a bad way, I assure you.

I’m grateful to my Companions for electing/installing me. It’s kind of terrifying, to be honest, even though this is something I want. I can only hope that this nervousness motivates me to do the best job I can. I know that things will go well, though. Texas Chapter & Council have a huge network of past presiding officers that have been, and will be, great mentors to rely on.

This is going to be a fun year.

Waco or Bust

[tags Allied Masonic Degrees, Invitational Bodies, Joining, York Rite, Ritual]
[delay 2018-06-09 08:00:00 CST]
I’m a member of the Allied Masonic Degrees (AMD) now!

I attended TAMDA Day, which is a Friday/Saturday weekend get-together hosted by the Texas Allied Masonic Degrees Association. Things got started off on Friday night with being initiated into the Order of the Scarlet Cord (“elected to the First Grade”). This was pretty interesting stuff, but I was also a little lost at first – since AMD is a collection of several different Rites & degree systems, you can take them out of order. For the OSC, you “need” to have gone through the Order of the Secret Monitor first! I had a good time, anyway.

In the morning, I was “admitted” a Grand Tiler of Solomon. This was a pretty neat degree to witness. This degree, the Select Master degree in the Cryptic Council, and the Intimate Secretary degree (the 6°) in the A&ASR-SJ Lodge of Perfection, are all descended from the same degree, the *Elu des Vingt-Sept*, or the *Select of the 27*. It’s very similar to both, but also very different. I liked it a lot.

I was also inducted into the First Grade of the Order of the Secret Monitor as the exemplar candidate. This was put on by Holy Stone Council #274, which is filled with guys from Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge #1283. This was a cool degree. The Companions who put on the degree knew their parts really well, and made it a very immersive experience. The lecture was unusual – far more practical than most lectures that I’ve heard. I really liked the apron, and I’d like to see if I can find or make a replica of it.

We got to see the Architect and Superintendent degrees, but not the Grand Architect. That’s the one in the middle. The Architect degree was put on by Robert Bruce Bannon Council, and it was pretty good – also immersive. Perhaps slightly gross.

In the afternoon, we were “elevated” to the degree of Royal Ark Mariner. Man, that regalia is so pretty. Unfortunately, I don’t remember a whole lot of it! One of the things about doing festivals and reunions is that you blast through degrees and end up retaining very little.

After TAMDA Day concluded, some of us went and got “dubbed” as Knights of the Masonic Order of the Bath. This degree was hilarious. I can’t say more, but I can say that I may have been knighted using a stolen butterknife.

AMD was dope. 10/10 would recommend.

Hail, Companion Knights!

Hail Companion Knights – it’s been a while. No huge updates on my part, other than the fact that today, I was initiated into the York Rite Sovereign College (Trinity No. 154), or, “dubbed a [Companion] Knight of York.” The ritual was pretty cool, although I wish that some of the audience/officers took it more seriously. The esoteric lecture was wonderful and seemed to me to be very Rosicrucian in nature, which took me by surprise. Unfortunately, that’s as much as I can divulge.

We were blessed by the presence of a little cricket who was hopping about the lodge room, causing officers to try and keep themselves from laughing while doing degree work, which was hilarious. Sadly, someone stomped on him as we were leaving. RIP Companion Knight Jiminy.
I am looking forwards to the next meeting. For degree conferrals, we all wear tuxedos, so I’ll have to get cracking!

Recently, I was informed that I have been invited to the Allied Masonic Degrees. More updates on that as we go!

Lighting Test for the Select Master Degree

[tags x,y,z]
[delay 2013-12-01 08:00:00 CST]

This is a lighting test that I am working on with a [“JUNOLUX” light bulb.]( The bulb is about $30, and is comprised of about 100 individual LEDs that turn on and off in order to simulate a flickering flame. The bulb looks kind of odd without a lampshade or cover, but once covered, or hidden behind an object, it looks fairly realistic.

[Link to Youtube video of lighting test.](

There should be mystery in Masonry, and the degrees should be a wild, intense experience. One of the things that we can do to help achieve that is to set the mood with a well-thought-out ambiance. Without giving too much away, the Select Master degree is supposed to take place in a very dark, very secluded area. I talked with a member of the Grand Chapter & Council Committee on Work (the committee which writes our ritual and figures out how degrees should be performed) who explained that the degree should, ideally, be done in almost total darkness.

However, doing it in the dark can be pretty impractical. Nobody can see, there’s an increased fall risk, etc. How do we address this issue? My answer is that we should look at the idea of targeted low-lighting that is “lore friendly.” What kind of lighting would have been used in King Solomon’s time? Workers on the Temple would most likely have used torches, candles, or braziers of coal. Those are all pretty cool – but none of them are really okay in regards to my Masonic temple’s policy regarding flammable materials in the carpeted rooms. We have to look at special effects instead, in the form of LED bulbs.

These are the next few questions that I am going to try to find the answers to:

* Where is the best light placement in the room to increase lighting without using too many bulbs, running too many cords, etc?
* How much light is too much light?
* Will props used in the degree be an issue for lighting?
* If more bulbs are needed, are the cheaper versions as reliable?
* What is the most practical and lore-friendly way to house the light (lamp stand, fake firepit, prop torch, etc)?

Needless to say, I have some experimenting to do.

The Rollercoaster Ride Continues

Time for a life update. It’s been a good while since I last posted something regularly, hasn’t it?

Life has been pretty good – if somewhat challenging – since I last made a normal post (instead of a podcast outline). In terms of my career, personal life, and Masonic involvement, everything is pretty different. Let’s talk about that. One big update, all at once, to get things out of the way.

Career Stuff

I’m unemployed at the present moment. I got laid off at the end of this August and have been job hunting since then. Well, actually, I started job hunting well before then, but you get the idea. I got a nice severance package, and I have savings, so I’m okay.

The main challenge that I have been experiencing is just getting to the job interview. A lot of times, it doesn’t go any further than the application – and then the inevitable rejection comes. The second challenge lies in the fact that I majored in a few narrow field of study – petroleum engineering. Granted, my career experience is primarily computer simulation engineering, which is a pretty transferable skill, but I think a lot of non-Oil & Gas companies see “reservoir engineering” and “petroleum engineering” and figure that they’re better off with not having to train a guy from scratch. It’s a misconception that I can’t really fault them for.

I’m staying positive and I’m continuing to work hard. The simple reality is that in the 2010s, it is taking people longer to find work after a layoff than ever. The key is persistence and patience. I’ve had a few good job interviews recently – let’s see where this goes.

The most important thing about the whole experience is how much love and support that I’ve received, which has made a huge difference. This leads me to…

Personal Stuff

I’m dating a wonderful gal right now. Sarah and I started dating in February, and have been going steady ever since. She’s just as much of a nerd as I am and I’m crazy about her. She has been incredibly supportive during this period of unemployment, and I honestly think I wouldn’t be doing nearly as well (mentally) if I didn’t have her to lean on for support. I owe her a ton of thanks. The guys at Lodge keep teasing me about how we’re gonna be the lodge’s “2018 Marriage.” I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a betting pool of some kind going on. All I’ve got to say on the subject is that it’s a little too early to talk about it, but that I’m totally fine with keeping her around for a long time (and I hope she feels the same way).

My father hasn’t been in the best of health. He’s doing much, much better now, but he’s been fighting cancer. He developed a bizarre form of appendiceal cancer which herniated and grew all the way to his knee – the doctors had never seen anything like it. They hacked most of it out from his leg and abdomen, but they had to leave a bunch of it in his hip. Right now, they can’t take what’s in his hip without an at-the-hip amputation, which Dad understandably wants no part of. Fortunately (thanks be to God) the cancer isn’t growing or metastasizing. It’s just kinda…​ there. For now the game plan / best reasonably possible outcome is that Dad goes in for a scan every few months, the cancer never grows, and Dad simply just has cancer until he dies in a freak Christmas tree accident at the ripe old age of 103. I pray for him and my mom often. She’s a saint, for a host of reasons.

I’m surrounded by new friends. Hopefully they last a lifetime. I knew that I’d be meeting people through Masonry and make a few friends – but I didn’t’ expect to make so many. It goes without saying (as anyone in the Fraternity knows) that there’s too many of them to list on here. All I can say within a reasonable amount of time is: my brothers, it’s been a pleasure to get to know y’all and I love y’all. I am excited about all of my adventures to come.

I’m also surrounded by old friends. One of the things that I will never not be thankful for is the Internet. Without it, my friends from college and I wouldn’t be able to stay in touch as well as we do right now. It’s so comforting to be able to reach out to them and talk – it’s like they’re just on the other side of town and we’re texting to hang out later. I have a few pilgrimages I need to make to the Houston area – it’s been a while since most of us were physically present together. Time to fix that!

I’m also grateful for my closest canine companion, Lyra. She’s my little old lady (11 years old). She’s a black lab with a heart of gold. During the summers, she’s been an excellent companion for long, leisurely walks, and now that it’s the winter, she’s a great companion for brisk, determined walks. Right now she’s hunkered down on my bed, enjoying the warm comforter. In a bit, I’m going to go grab a cigar and we’ll go for a nice walk, after which we’ll both retire to the couch and cuddle up for warmth. I love this dog.

Masonic Stuff

Hoo boy. There’s a lot to unpack here. Let’s break it down into categories.

Symbolic Lodge

I am not an officer in my Symbolic Lodge, but I’ve been having a blast. I do a lot of our degree lectures, and I often pro-tem the Senior Deacon position for degrees and Stated Meetings. I didn’t accomplish my goal of learning the A-certificate material by the end of the year, because although I know all of the C-certificate material (trial lectures, opening/closing) and I know the lectures, I still haven’t learned how to confer. My goal is to learn to confer the degrees, and start helping our degree team even more by increasing my versatility.

Chapter & Council

Wow, where do I start here? “Hold my beer” is super applicable in this case. I started this Capitular/Cryptic year by being installed as an appointed junior officer – Master of the 2nd Veil in Chapter, and Steward in Council. Then, our 2nd-in-command (Excellent King in Chapter and Right Illustrious Deputy Master in Council) had to move to West Virginia. This left us with a gap…​ and I got promoted to fill it. By dispensation from the respective Grand bodies, we held an election and then installed several officers out-of-time. I am now serving as the Excellent King in Chapter and the Right Illustrious Deputy Master in Council, and am preparing for the year that I serve in the East. It’s been a blast, and I’m nervous, but I have a lot of great guys to rely on. One of the things that I am trying to implement is a five-year plan agreed on by the Chapter/Council as a group, so that all the guys that come after me can continue working on something they were a part of designing. The year that I serve will mostly consist of setting up the dominoes for other Companions – and I’m okay with that. Seeing the continued success of our Chapter/Council is an exciting prospect.


Yesterday, I was installed as the Junior Warden (5th in command) of Worth Commandery #19, Knights Templar. I’m honored to have been elected and installed, and I hope to serve my fellow Sir Knights as best as I can. The Junior Warden part is really a crazy mountain to climb as brand-new SK, but the mountain is there, so I must climb it. I am very excited about bringing the Christian Orders of Knighthood to my Brothers and Companions. Commandery is a very meaningful organization to me. The ritual is so striking, and resonates so strongly with my faith, that I can’t help but love it. I am very excited to continue exploring the Christian side of Masonry.

Scottish Rite

I’m a Scottish Rite Mason now! I went through the Fall 2017 Reunion and am now a proud Master of the Royal Secret and member of the Fort Worth A&ASR-SJ Valley. It was a grueling 3-weekend process, and I’m still digesting. Fortunately, I have plenty of reading material to catch up on… and another degree to learn! I got together with some other brothers and we’re assembling a degree team for the 13th degree – the Royal Arch of Enoch. I’m excited about it!

I did, however, turn down a petition for the Knights of Saint Andrew. Right now, I want to focus on the York Rite (Symbolic lodge inclusive), and I know that if I get involved with KoSA, I’ll get carried away. I’d like to get through the East in Chapter/Council at least, first. This is one of those inevitable things, so never fear, Knights.

The Fort Worth #148 Podcast

Man, oh man, has this podcast been a blast. I’m super thankful that we’re on holiday break, though. I love the podcast, but it has definitely been taxing time-wise. This has been such an amazing opportunity for self-education and excellent conversation – I love it. I’ve been really getting the art of editing the podcast in a timely manner down as a strong skill, but I need to work on it – can’t stay up late all the time! I am looking forwards to next year. We’ll be cutting down our releases to two episodes per month. This way, we can focus on bringing higher-quality content to our listeners, while giving ourselves some breathing room. I’d rather release two great 1.5 hour episodes per month than 4-5 okay ones. It’s gonna be great, so stay tuned.

Christopher Livingston – Changing Masonry in a Changing World

This was originally posted to the Texas Freemasons Facebook group by Brother Christopher Livingston on the 18th of September, 2017.

Changing Masonry in a Changing World

Christopher Livingston

The world is changing. The largest taxi service in the world is Uber. It doesn’t own a single vehicle. The largest hotel service in the world is Airbnb. It doesn’t own a single property. A key retailer? Amazon, which made $136 billion in 2016 without a single brick-and-mortar storefront. Software has disrupted and displaced the world of the 20th Century and will continue to disrupt industries in the coming decade.

Every leader acknowledges that America’s culture is changing. To reach a changing culture, Freemasonry needs to change. Don’t get me wrong, we don’t need to change the Landmarks. We shouldn’t change the message or the meaning. Just the method. One is sacred. The other is not.

The wise leader is taking steps today to position his lodge to respond to these things. I know that’s what I have been doing at my lodges and as President of the 14th MWSA, where I have the privilege of serving.

It’s not clear what Freemasonry will look like in the future, but there a few trends are becoming clear. Here’s what I see as characteristics of the lodges that will make an impact in the next decade:

  1. An Admission of a Problem and a Need. Most lodges will not revitalize because leaders and members refuse to recognize that their lodge is in trouble. Those who do acknowledge the problem have taken a major first step. Those lodges will make a commitment to move in a new direction.
  2. Humility. This characteristic is obviously related to the first. Leaders and members must not think they have all the answers. They should have a humble and teachable spirit. They will be willing to bring outside persons in to help them view their situation more objectively.
  3. Outsider Focus. Lodges that become passionate about people outside their walls will be far more effective than lodges that are passionate about keeping the few people they have inside their walls. Better still, they will have a healthier lodge. We call individuals who are fixated on their own wants and needs selfish and immature. Selfless and mature lodges will have an impact because of their passion for the Brotherhood of Man.
  4. Concrete Purpose. Freemasonry consists of a body of men banded together for the purpose of mutual, intellectual, social, and moral improvement. It endeavors to cultivate and exhibit Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth; not only to one another, but also to the world at large. The successful lodge has this purpose as a driving path to everything it accomplishes.
  5. Strategic Goals. The successful lodge will have an overarching strategic plan on how to accomplish its concrete purpose. Lodges may implement different goals, but those goals will be exhibited through a plan. The plan suggested by the Grand Lodge is completion of the Vanguard requirements, but some successful lodges will add to or deviate from that suggested plan.
  6. Quick Decision Making. Lodges with slow and complicated decision-making processes will be unable to keep up with the progress of change. There are times to be slow and deliberate, but everyday decisions must come quickly. Today’s generation is the first to grow up entirely on a diet of technological solutions. A study by Carleton University in 2006 gave the famous statistic that web designers have 500 milliseconds to impress and engage a user landing on their page for the first time. 500 milliseconds. The new world values quick decision making.
  7. Innovation and Flexibility. The lodge doesn’t need to change its purpose, but it does need to change its methods. Flexible and adaptable lodges innovate around strategy and different initiatives and have the freedom to make changes to make an impact moving forward. They are willing to try a variety of things to make an impact and are courageous enough to kill something as soon as it stops producing results.
  8. Valuing Online Relationships as Real Relationships. Lodges that aren’t online beyond a website are going to miss the boat. Real interaction with real people on online is the new norm. In 2016, the Pew Research Center concluded that 79% of online American adults and 68% of all American adults use Facebook. Social media use is almost as common in 2016 as television use was in 1960. Think about that.
  9. Prioritizing a “For You,” not “From You” Culture. Lodges in decline often think in terms of what they can get from people—dues, time, donations, growth, etc. Lodges that will make an impact will be passionate about what they want for people—personal development, intellectual development, leadership development, etc.
  10. A Tailored Experience, Not a Tailored Message. Successful lodges won’t tailor the message to bring in members, they will tailor the experience. Ritual will not be shortchanged. Examinations will not be perfunctory. Last year there were Christmas presents under the tree at my house. But 90% of those presents were purchased online. The message was still sacred as we gathered early Christmas morning, but the experience leading up to it was different—we skipped the mall. The sacred parts of Freemasonry must not change, but a successful lodge will tailor the experience to better reach a new generation.

Again, this is just what I see from my experience serving as WM at Richardson and Hillcrest lodges. I could be wrong, but hopefully this gives you some ideas. I’m talking in generalities because I don’t believe there’s any one right way to lead a successful lodge. But I have points, because I think there are some characteristics that are universally successful.

Elevator Speeches

There will come a time when you need to explain what the heck Masonry is. Sometimes, you won’t have very long. It’s best to come up with an “elevator speech” for those occasions. My answer is a little dramatic:

The world is an awful place, and there’s not much that we can do about that on the macro scale. What we can do, however, is give men the opportunity to change and improve themselves using moral tools and teachings centered around love of God and love of one another in order to better implement the moral values they already had. By doing this, a man not only changes himself, but the world immediately around him – and sometimes reaching even further than that. So, we can’t change the world on a macro scale, but we can change it many, many times on a micro scale. Masonry is an organized effort to save the world through love, one man at a time.