We Are Not Alone

TXMC 2019 Festive Board Remarks

What does it mean to you when you hear or think these words?

  • “We are not alone.”
  • “You are not alone.”
  • “I am not alone.”

For many Freemasons, the idea, “I am not alone,” is a revolutionary and heartening concept. It bolsters our self-worth, our spirits, and our enthusiasm for the Fraternity.


Why is it important to remember that we are not alone? I’ve talked with many brethren who almost, or have, lost their passion for the Craft. They felt their interests weren’t found in the Fraternity. There’s more that I would have met and known, had they not left the Craft before I had the chance to meet them. These are men who have not found, are not finding, or did not find, their deeper needs provided for by the Fraternity.


I recently heard something in a private conversation that feels worth repeating. A brother, who is here tonight, shared a quote he’d heard that gave him some inspiration:

I do not share my thoughts to try to convince the ignorant to change their minds. I share my thoughts so that others who think clearly know they are not alone.

You are not alone, I am not alone, and we are not alone.


“Don’t rock the boat, it’s not worth it” is the tale we have heard many times. At the same time, we hear, often from the same mouths, “wow, this guy is revolutionary,” when a boat-rocker beats the odds.

We have the opportunity to remain quiet and study in silence. We also have the opportunity to reach out to others and study together.

Neither you, nor I, nor any of us have to ever say anything, or reach out to anyone. Yet, if none of us make the first move, then we will remain lost, together in the same predicament, while being alone.

We each have a message that we can choose not to share, avoiding the trouble and headaches that come with doing so. What we may find though, is that the trouble and headaches may very well be worth it.


What’s it worth to us, not to spread education? I’m not saying that those who seek a meaningful education are somehow a persecuted class. You do, though, know what I’m talking about. Each one of us has had encounters where we have walked away, stunned, at willful ignorance. This happens in all places. Any person, who has worked any job, anywhere, can tell you that. Where it’s the most tragic, though, is within Freemasonry.

There’s no need for us to count the instances of this within our own masonic experiences. It’s something that most, if not all, of us have seen and shaken our heads at.


That’s why we’re here this weekend. We are here because we thirst for knowledge and hunger for wisdom.

We are here because we want to meet other brothers who feel the same way that we do about learning and growing. Texas MasoniCon is a chance for us to share and share alike in education and friendship.

All it takes is for one person, one lodge, one group of guys to make their mark and let others know that they are not alone. This happened for us when we found out about the original Masonic Con hosted by Ezekiel Bates Lodge in Massachusetts.

It’s not easy to for us to put this on, or for y’all to travel so far, or for our speakers to create their work. That’s why we do it, though, isn’t it – for the precise reason that it isn’t easy?


We can choose:

  • to study in silence by ourselves,
  • to avoid the headache,
  • to not rock the boat,
  • and to not reach out,

Or we can choose:

  • to study together and publicize our success,
  • to put in the effort, hard as it may be,
  • to rock the boat and make a splash,
  • and to build a stronger community and culture of education within Freemasonry.

That’s why we’re right here, right now. That’s why Texas MasoniCon exists. We are not alone.

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